
使用AdobeAIR开发Android应用程序 英文pdf文字版附源代码

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把你的ActionScript 3的技能,应用于移动应用程序的开发。这本书展示了如何开发基于Android的智能手机和平板电脑上使用Adobe AIR,本机应用程序。您了解整个开发过程动手,从编码让您的应用程序发布的具体功能选项

Put your ActionScript 3 skills to work building mobile apps. This book shows you how to develop native applications for Android-based smartphones and tablets from the ground up, using Adobe AIR. You learn the entire development process hands-on, from coding specific functions to options for getting your app published.


Véronique Brossier

Veronique Brossier is Senior Flash Engineer at MTVNetworks and adjunct professor at ITP/New York University. She has worked on applications for the world of art and entertainment, including The New York Visitor Center and the 9/11 Memorial site for Local Projects, NickLab for R/Greenberg Associates, Cartoon Network Online, the Hall of Biodiversity at the American Museum of National History, and many more.